Not online, still connected
Activatie • Campagne • PrUnconsciously, your phone often prevents you from connecting with the people (and the world) around you.
Responding to a message or watching an Instagram Story for a moment, and before you know it, you’ve been scrolling for 5 minutes. What a shame, because there’s so much beauty to discover. We launched the campaign ‘Not online, but still connected’. And to bring it to life even more, we launched the Praatpaadjes on the first day of spring. These are paths in the forest where questions on signposts encourage enjoyable and/or profound conversations.
Walking promotes connection: with each other, yourself, and nature. With Praatpaadjes, Natuurhuisje helps families, partners, and friends disconnect from screens and engage in enjoyable or deep conversations in nature. The Praatpaadjes are walks in the forests of Hooge and Lage Vuursche where different questions on signposts stimulate meaningful conversations. So, you’re not online for a moment, but you still feel connected.
The activation began with a launch for influencers and the press. It was well received and quickly gained broad coverage from AD to Gooi en Eemlander, and from Wandel.nl to Nicola Dow.
- campagne
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