Stichting Het Vergeten Kind

Wees lief voor elkaar, vooral thuis


Due to COVID-19, we all have to stay at home. Although it’s not always easy, it’s often very cozy.


Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for everyone. Thousands of children growing up in difficult home situations are finding it even harder now that they have to stay home. These children are literally ‘locked’ into a situation they don’t want to be in. Tensions at home are running high. Safe havens like school, friends, or sports clubs are not available to them at the moment. To encourage the Netherlands to be kind to each other, especially at home, we developed a campaign within one week, consisting of radio, outdoor, a TV commercial, and a social campaign in collaboration with the social agency Hammerfest. Special thanks to all the families who submitted home videos. The social campaign encouraged people to put the well-known Heart House on their windows (in any form, whether it be post-its, paint, crafts, etc.) to show each other and vulnerable children that they are being thought of.

What we did
  • Concept
  • Campagne
  • Productie
4 Dec. 2023