De Hersenstichting

The Brain Museum


This museum is in your head


Brains, we all have them, but what do they actually do? For most of us, this is still a mystery. We often don’t think about it, but your brains are responsible for everything you do, what you feel, who you are, and a thousand other things. The Brain Foundation asked us to come up with an activation where we would pause and consider all the things our brains do for us and what it would be like if something happened to your brains. In a lockdown period when museums were closing their doors, we decided to open one: The Brain Museum. A museum with no opening hours, COVID guidelines, and available to everyone because this museum is in your head. With a 3D audio tour (available on Spotify), narrated by 3FM DJ Frank van der Lende, you are taken on a journey through your big brains and end up at your small brains and brain stem. In a flash, you discover everything about this spongy mass made up of 86 billion nerve cells that must work perfectly together to perform the most obvious tasks. The launch of The Brain Museum provided an excellent opportunity to discuss it with the press. We obtained a total of 50 publications, 41 of which were in print.

What we did
  • Activatie
  • Campagne
  • Concept
  • Pr
4 Dec. 2023